J 15743 D - Vial Filling and Closing Machine ROTA FLR 50 / GS / GB

J 15743 D - Vial Filling and Closing Machine ROTA FLR 50 / GS / GB


This is a rotary filling machine suitable for filling, stopper-inserting and screwing of vials. The machine has a maximum capacity of 3,000 vials per hour can handle the following vials, if fitted with appropriate formats, pumps and filling needles:

  •  Dosing range: min. 0,2 ml - max. 100,0 ml
  •  Diameter: min. 9,0 mm - max. 32,0 mm

It is currently fitted with formats for:

  •  Glass vials / sample tubes 2 & 3 ml with stopper
  •  corresponding dosing pumps


ManufacturerRota, Wehr / Germany
Stock NumberJ 15743 D